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Jumpstart Your Future with Pre-College Programs

Hello, high school students! Let's explore pre-college programs, an opportunity that may not be on everyone's radar but definitely should be. These programs are more than just a summer activity; they’re a unique opportunity not only to experience college life but also to explore various career paths. And the best part? Many of these programs are free, low-cost, or offer financial aid and scholarships, making them accessible to everyone, regardless of your financial situation. Let's delve into what these programs offer and how they can benefit you.


1. Test-Drive Your Future Career

Have you ever envisioned yourself as an engineer, a writer, or perhaps a scientist? Pre-college programs let you 'test-drive' these roles. You get to explore various fields, find your passion, and maybe even discover a path you never considered. It's all about getting a real taste of your dream job before choosing your college major.

2. Experience College Before College

Pre-college programs offer a real taste of college life while you're still in high school. You'll get the opportunity to sit in on lectures, contribute to engaging discussions, and work on challenging assignments that are just like what college students face. But it's not all about the academics; you'll also get to experience the social aspects of college life, like staying in dorms, sharing meals in dining halls, and learning your way around a bustling campus. These programs are a trial run for the whole college experience and can be a huge help in figuring out which type of college environment is the right fit for you, setting you up for success in the future.

3. Build a Stellar College Application

Let's face it: college applications are competitive. Participating in a pre-college program is like adding a secret weapon to your application. It shows colleges that you're serious about your education and willing to challenge yourself. It's not just about grades; it's about showing initiative and a desire to learn and grow. This proactive approach can make your college application stand out in a pool of potential students.

4. Earn College Credits Early

Some pre-college programs offer college credits that you can transfer once you enroll in a university. This head start can save you time and money in the long run. Imagine starting college with credits already under your belt! It could mean graduating early, taking lighter course loads, or having room for more electives and exploration.

5. Networking and Mentorship Opportunities

Pre-college programs often provide opportunities to connect with professors, industry professionals, and peers who share your interests. These relationships can lead to mentorship, internships, and even future job opportunities, not to mention the potential lifelong friendships.

6. Develop Crucial Life Skills

Stepping into a pre-college program builds confidence and independence. You'll develop important life skills like communication, teamwork, time management and problem-solving — skills that serve you well in college and in life.

7. Admissions and Eligibility

Admission to pre-college programs can vary. The more selective programs often require a transcript, teacher recommendations, and application essays. Eligibility criteria can also vary widely. Some may be geared toward specific age groups or grade level, so it's important to check the specific requirements of each program.

8. A Wide Range of Programs to Choose From

The range of pre-college programs out there is quite broad, giving you the chance to dive into subjects you're curious about or passionate about, like writing, leadership, entrepreneurship, and engineering. You could get into the nuts and bolts of artificial intelligence at a specialized program like Princeton's AI4ALL, or you might explore different areas of study or learn about different disciplines at the University of Chicago's enrichment programs. If writing is your thing, workshops like the ones at Kenyon Review Young Writers could be just the place to grow your skills.

What's great is that these programs come in different formats to fit your life. They can range in length from a quick one-week intro to an in-depth eight-week immersion, giving you the freedom to choose how much time you want to dedicate. If you're looking to get the full college experience, residential programs have you living on campus, getting a taste of dorm life. If you live nearby or need to stay at home, commuting to campus might be an option. And if you can't make it in person, online programs bring the college experience to you, wherever you are. Some programs even offer a hybrid format, where you get a mix of online and in-person learning. So, no matter where you are or what your schedule looks like, there's likely a pre-college program that fits your interests and needs.

Our website features a collection of pre-college programs that are free, low-cost, or offer financial aid. Many programs are specifically designed to support students from low-income backgrounds and/or those from underrepresented groups and often have funds to ensure that financial constraints do not prevent talented students from attending.

However, if you haven't found what you're looking for on our list, don't hesitate to check out individual college websites or use search tools to find your ideal program. Remember, these opportunities aren't limited to colleges and universities. In fact, there are a variety of organizations and institutions that provide these valuable learning experiences, such as cultural institutions, research laboratories, and private companies, offering both summer and year-round opportunities.


So, high schoolers, seize the day! Pre-college programs are a springboard to explore career options, taste college life, and broaden your network. They're an investment in your future, and with many being free or affordable, they're an opportunity open to all. Participating in one might just be one of your best decisions.


Circle February 6 on your calendars! We invite you to join us at our free event, Supercharge Your College Journey with Pre-College Programs!, where we'll explore how pre-college programs can give you a head start in your journey to college. This is your chance to discover two FREE pre-college experiences that might just be the perfect fit for you. It's an opportunity you won't want to miss!

As you navigate the exciting opportunities that pre-college programs offer, remember that the road to college is filled with important milestones. We're here to support you every step of the way, so be sure to check out our FREE video curriculum designed to guide students through the college application process, step by step. Sign up today to access this valuable resource and ensure you're well-prepared for your college application adventure! You can access the curriculum on:




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