Discover the World
of Uprooted Academy

Your one-stop digital community center, uniting education, career, and personal development under one roof.

Find colleges and bootcamps
Access financial aid resources
Focus on mental wellness
Discover learning apps
Prepare for your career

Platform Features

AI Support
Video content and worksheets
Live Events
College, career, and financial tools
Community chat and engagement
The One Platform With
Access To The
Tools You Need.
Anytime. Anywhere.

What college should I go to?

Will I miss an application deadline?

Can I afford college?

Video episodes
Think of a Netflix series, with episodes about the college application process. You can even download for offline use on our phone app!

You control how much you learn, when you want to learn, and if you need to re-learn it.

Each lesson has action steps with activities and helpful links to move you along.

live events
We host virtual college visits, career panels and scholarship info sessions.

Our app allows for push notifications to nudge you and encourage you along the way.
The One Platform With Access To The
Tools You Need.
Anytime. Anywhere.